Our SIBOL TOTAL IS 1376! Thank You!

Slideshow of Sunshine Blankets (Click on Left/Right Arrows).

Challenge Blankets
I'm Sue and can be contacted on

It is so important that email addresses and names are enclosed with your donations of Sunshine Blankets, Shawls and Butterflies please. Thank you!

Butterflies LINK

'Crochet keeps our hands busy so our minds can rest. It is a gift to help quiet the world around us, if even for a moment. To create -- and think of those we create for --is a quiet prayer of hope, love and dreams all wrapped up in a hook, a book and a ball of yarn. Author Anonymous. Thanks Cynthia.
I NO LONGER ACCEPT KNITTED OR CROCHETED SQUARES. I DO HOWEVER ACCEPT MADE UP BLANKETS FOR THE ELDERLY IN CARE HOMES. I'D BE VERY HAPPY TO RECEIVE YOURS! THANK YOU! 'SIBOL' is a charitable outlet for your Crocheting and Knitting Skills why not join us? Together we are 'Sending a ray of Sunshine into the Lives of the Elderly.' All enquiries please contact Sue on sueatpigsty@virginmedia.com Thank you!
Please Note

Please may I remind you to enclose your email address with parcels delivered to my home. If I don't acknowledge receipt it's because I can't find your address. Thank you.

Total 1384 Thank you!

Monday, 29 August 2016

Just 4 U!

Good afternoon,

Christine has sent me a lovely warm Sunshine Blanket today. Made in Chunky yarn this is certainly going to be a very comforting Blanket for one of our Residents. It's a great size and I love the Flower you have enclosed too. I thought it finished the Blanket off beautifully. I have also added one of our Crocheted Butterflies which is rather like our own 'SIBOL' trade mark.

Christine tells me she hasn't been crocheting long and it's so nice that she has put her new found skill to a worthwhile cause. I have over 20 Blankets upstairs now and I will take them out over the next few months to a Home I have in mind.  I shall be sure to enclose this one too Christine thank you.

May I remind you my cut off point for accepting Blankets and Shawls is end of November. So I would be grateful if you would keep any un-finished ones until next year 1st March.  Finishing in November gives me chance to take them to a Home ready for Christmas. I may deliver some before then depending how many I get in.

It's a pleasure to receive your work thank you Christine.

Thank you Christine D   Just 4 U! X

Thank you Christine D   Just 4 U! X

x Sue x 

Blankets to Sutton Manor and Sherwood House.

Good afternoon,

Gill has been very busy indeed making these wonderful Sunshine Blankets for Homes near to where she lives. As you can see each one is so unique.
Just look at the work that has gone in to them.

The Blankets are going to Sherwood House and the others to Sutton Manor Residential Home.

I think the Residents are going to be over the moon with their gifts Gill
Thank you so very much for making them and also taking the time to take them in yourself.

Gill tells me that they have three other sites and 130 Residents so that should keep her busy for quite a while!

It's so good that we can reach other areas.

Thanks Gill - Sutton Manor Residential Home. 1  2  3

Thanks Gill - Sutton Manor Residential Home. 1  2  3

Thanks Gill - Sutton Manor Residential Home. 1  2  3

Thanks Gill -Sherwood House 2/3

Thanks Gill -Sherwood House 2/3

Thanks Gill - Gill is taking them herself to Sherwood House 1.

Then Kate has sent me in quite a few Shawls and a very pretty Blanket.
You've been working hard too Kate!
Absolutely superb!
The Residents are going to love them.

Thank you Kate W.

1283 Thank you Kate W.

Thank you Kate W.

Amazing work thanks Kate. 

x Sue x 

Busy weekend.

Good afternoon,

Gill has been very busy indeed making these wonderful Sunshine Blankets for Homes near to where she lives. As you can see each one is so unique.
Just look at the work that has gone in to them.

The Blankets are going to Sherwood House and the others to Sutton Manor Residential Home.

I think the Residents are going to be over the moon with their gifts Gill
Thank you so very much for making them and also taking the time to take them in yourself.

Gill tells me that they have three other sites and 130 Residents so that should keep her busy for quite a while!

It's so good that we can reach other areas.

Thanks Gill - Sutton Manor Residential Home. 1  2  3

Thanks Gill - Sutton Manor Residential Home. 1  2  3

Thanks Gill - Sutton Manor Residential Home. 1  2  3

Thanks Gill -Sherwood House 2/3

Thanks Gill -Sherwood House 2/3

Thanks Gill - Gill is taking them herself to Sherwood House 1.

Then Kate has sent me in quite a few Shawls and a very pretty Blanket.
You've been working hard too Kate!
Absolutely superb!
The Residents are going to love them.

Thank you Kate W.

1283 Thank you Kate W.

Thank you Kate W.

Amazing work thanks Kate. 

x Sue x 

Thursday, 25 August 2016

Joanna's Granny Blanket

Good evening,

Joanna has very kindly made and sent to me a very pretty Sunshine Blanket made in the traditional Granny Square way. The colours are so nice and a great size too. Joanna always has a Granny Blanket on the go and I am honoured that you wanted to donate it to SIBOL.

Thank you Joanna.

Isn't it lovely?
Thank you Joanna.

x Sue x

Tuesday, 23 August 2016

Sunshine Blankets and Shawls to show you!

Good morning and welcome!

I would like to thank Jayne this morning for sending  Sunshine Blankets and Shawls for Residents in Care Homes. All made so beautifully and it's lovely to hear from you once again.

Thank you Jayne

Union Jack thanks Jayne.

Union Jack thank you Jayne.

These will be very well received thank you.

 x Sue x

Sunday, 7 August 2016

Do you remember when............ we made our Olympic Blankets?

Good Morning,

Watching the Olympics on TV has reminded me of the stunning Blankets the 'SIBOL' Group made as a Challenge back in 2012. We had Squares arrive from all over the world and money raised went to Alzheimers UK.

This Blanket in particular 'Going for Gold' raised £1,000.00.

'Going For Gold!' Olympic Challenge. Thanks to everyone that sent me Squares! Truly amazing! Please 'add note' if you see your Square(s)!

Just found this photo.

100 Squares also flew in from akarapacha in the States.
This Blanket raised £250.00 for Alzheimers.

100 Squares flew in from 'akarapacha' (USA) Thank you so much. All 6

The work that went in to these Squares was unbelievable.
I thought you'd like to see them again.

x Sue x 

'Let's Knit' September issue.

Good morning,

On Friday I received the September issue of 'Let's Knit' and inside was a feature on 'SIBOL'.
I thought you would like to read it.

Thanks to you all!



x Sue x 

Thursday's delivery.

Good morning,

I would like to thank pippa for donating these beautiful Sunshine Blankets to SIBOL. She was delivering them to me on behalf of a Lady she knows. So thank you very much indeed.





Thanks pippa

They are so pretty thank you both very much indeed.

x Sue x