Hi everyone!
'Could Daphne contact me please Sue on sueatpigsty@talktalk.net' Thank you!
Thanks to Angie for her email about our SIBOL Butterflies. Another Lady who is getting well and truly hooked on making them.
I have to thank dear
Nettie in Australia for first of all putting up the video tutorial on her blog. I often refer Ladies over to her. Once you have made the first Butterfly along come many others. Of course I am very grateful for any Butterflies you can send my way as my Butterfly Stash does need topping up, but there are other things you can do with them too apart from our Blankets.
I decorated my Conservatory and Bird Cage.
Then some White and Gold ones for my Twigs...........
Then it was the Christmas tree.........
Then it was my Tree Skirt........
I made some for Mother's tree a few years back......... She loves purple and green!
Why not decorate your Christmas Gifts. Oh look at that snow! Brr........
Why not join our
Butterfly Club over on RAVERLY?
Have fun making them. Thanks Nettie we have so much fun with them!
Today I had a visit from Pippa and her Husband, it was so nice to see them again. Pippa has been making Butterflies for our Stash. Let's have a look at them now.
She also made some Flowers, aren't they lovely?
Always welcome for our Blankets. Thank you pippa!
Where can you use your Butterflies?
Thanks for stopping by...
x Sue x