I am very pleased to be showing you another two super 'Sunshine Blankets' for the Elderly. I would like to thank Axa Purls Knitting Group for the 'centres' and Sally for making the Blankets a reasonable size. Sally very kindly stepped in after my shout out the other day asking for help.
These two Blankets remind me of Vintage Blankets. They are a good size and such pretty colours. With many thanks to everyone involved.
Here they are!
I hope they have inspired you to pick up your hooks! I have Care Homes in need of Blankets and if you can help I'd be so happy to accept your donations. Can you imagine how useful Blankets like these would be? It's so nice that as a Group we can be creative but at the same time we are doing something so worthwhile for the older people in our Community.
We have now reached 'Sunshine Blanket' no 797.
If you think you can help in any way please feel free to email me.
I'm Sue on sueatpigsty@talktalk.net
Thanks for your help as usual.
x Sue x
Hi Sue. Both blankets look lovely, but I especially love the 2nd one. Have a great day. :)