I'm very pleased to be showing you some lovely Squares that have arrived from bonsall today. These are for our Wonderful World Challenge.
We are hoping to make a Blanket to raise money for 'Sight Savers'. If you would like to take part please follow the Link to SIBOL CHALLENGES.
Some months ago I received an email from one of our 'SIBOLETTES' Linda.
At the time she was waiting for a cataract removal operation and it made her start thinking about how lucky we are here in the UK to be able to have such operations and how grateful she is herself.
She said,
"This afternoon I have
been thinking about all the people in the world who do not get such.
Wonderful treatment as us and being doing some research into cataract
charities. They are numerous, some even for children and this is where
this email is leading.
I wondered if in the fullness of time you could
possibly consider adopting a cataract charity for the proceeds from the
sale of a blanket on eBay as you have with cancer and Alzheimer's
charities. I thought maybe the blanket could be called " all things
bright and beautiful" because right now I would love to be able to see
the bounties of this wonderful world of ours with a clear vision once
So in the fullness of time a blanket auctioned in aid of cataract removal
would be wonderful and thank you once again for agreeing to do this in
the name of SiBOL"
Please follow the link.
I'd be very happy to receive your Squares for this Challenge.
Aren't they lovely?
I would very much like to thank orbitingstar over on RAVELRY for the generous amount of yarn received just now. This will be passed around the group thank you. There is always a use whether it's for Butterflies or Squares. Every bit will be useful. I'm very grateful to you.

If there is anything you would like to ask me about our Blankets please feel free to mail me
I'm Sue on sueatpigsty@talktalk.net
Thank you bonsall, thanks everyone for visiting the SIBOL Blog today!
x Sue x