Hi Everyone!
Well what a Wedding that was! How beautiful! I know from emails I have received from my friends all around the World that everyone has enjoyed watching it! It was absolutely superb I thought what a great day of viewing!. I tended to start watching on BBC News, then flicked over to Sky later on. Kate looked absolutely beautiful and how composed she was! Such a pretty girl and I thought Prince William looked so handsome too! He definitely looked so much like his Mother I thought!
I have sent out small Royal Wedding gifts to everyone that took part in my Royal Wedding Challenge. This is just my little way of saying thank you to you all. There may be a couple which are late arriving but I'm sure they won't be long. Post to the other side of the World does take a few weeks! I was so surprised this morning when ATheeC in Belgium told me her gift arrived just as she was watching the Royal Wedding, how timely was that! :) I was very pleased.
As I say it was just my way of saying thank you to you all for taking part in this wonderful Challenge. It was not only a SIBOL Challenge it was for a competition run by Sharon of Great British Yarns. What fun we had! Thinking of and designing Knitted and Crocheted Squares to mark the occasion of the Royal Wedding.
It was such a wonderful Challenge and I thoroughly enjoyed receiving each and everyone of the Squares, showcasing each and everyone of them as they arrived. Then planning where to put the Squares into the Blanket, not to mention the assembling of them and then thinking how I could present the Blanket. Sharon absolutely loved the Blanket and I was told she had tears in her eyes when she received it. In fact they didn't want to undo the ribbon they thought it looked so lovely!
I can't thank you all enough for your support and to win 1st Prize as you know SIBOLETTES, was just my absolute dream! Then to top it all yesterday it raised £112.00 on EBAY for the Prince William and Kate Middleton Charity Gift Fund. This is a Charity that was set up because William and Kate did not want Wedding Gifts as such. All monies raised would go to various Charities that they are involved with. So the £112.00 will be sent on to it. So thank you to anyone that bidded. I have never had anything to do with EBAY before. I got so excited in those final seconds when the bids started flying in! Wow! What fun! 'Mr. Twins, Mr. Twins come here!'
I would just love to know where our Royal Wedding Blanket is going to live now!
If you want to see the other items that were entered into the Wedding Bells competition please pop over to Sharon's blog.
To win first prize has just been such a wonderful achievement for SIBOL. We have worked so hard from January 2010 to make Sunshine Blankets for the Elderly and to take part in a special one-off Blanket for this competition has just been so much fun for our Crocheting and Knitting Group. We have all come together from all walks of life, all parts of the World, some of us living thousands of miles away to take part in this special Challenge and I just want to say a massive 'THANK YOU!!'.
Also for SIBOL to be publicised on various media outlets has been lovely too. Whether it be on CNN ireport, Flickr 'The Peoples' Royal Wedding Album', Crochet Today web site, Flickr Storify, etc., is just marvellous and what fun! What an exciting time we've been having! THANK YOU!
I had better get back to work now......
Today I had some Squares come in from Norway 'Shirley Brownlee'. Shirley I can't acknowledge your beautiful Squares. I can't come across your email address at the moment, would you kindly email me please! I will keep looking until you do. sueatpigsty@talktalk.net
Shirley has sent me a variety of Granny Squares, all such wonderful colours and I want to thank you very much. I have your address so I will send you a Thank You card, but I do want to email you. It's upsets me when I can't lay my hands on them. I love your Grannies, and I hope you have enjoyed making them!
I've made you a Slide Show Shirley, enjoy!
I also had 4 bundles of Squares arrive from bonsall today here in the UK. Such pretty Squares and I know for a fact that bonsall enjoyed making them! Once she started she didn't want to stop!
So I'm showcasing bonsalls' Squares too, thank you so...much! What pretty Blankets we are going to make with these two sets of Squares from Shirley and bonsall!
Have a great weekend everyone! Thanks to Shirley and bonsall and everyone involved in the Royal Wedding Blanket! Thanks to everyone for leaving such sweet comments on MSE, Flickr and SIBOL too!