Our SIBOL TOTAL IS 1376! Thank You!

Slideshow of Sunshine Blankets (Click on Left/Right Arrows).

Challenge Blankets
I'm Sue and can be contacted on

It is so important that email addresses and names are enclosed with your donations of Sunshine Blankets, Shawls and Butterflies please. Thank you!

Butterflies LINK

'Crochet keeps our hands busy so our minds can rest. It is a gift to help quiet the world around us, if even for a moment. To create -- and think of those we create for --is a quiet prayer of hope, love and dreams all wrapped up in a hook, a book and a ball of yarn. Author Anonymous. Thanks Cynthia.
I NO LONGER ACCEPT KNITTED OR CROCHETED SQUARES. I DO HOWEVER ACCEPT MADE UP BLANKETS FOR THE ELDERLY IN CARE HOMES. I'D BE VERY HAPPY TO RECEIVE YOURS! THANK YOU! 'SIBOL' is a charitable outlet for your Crocheting and Knitting Skills why not join us? Together we are 'Sending a ray of Sunshine into the Lives of the Elderly.' All enquiries please contact Sue on sueatpigsty@virginmedia.com Thank you!
Please Note

Please may I remind you to enclose your email address with parcels delivered to my home. If I don't acknowledge receipt it's because I can't find your address. Thank you.

Total 1384 Thank you!

Tuesday, 28 February 2012

A donated Blanket called 'Mary'.

Good Morning and thanks for visiting 'SIBOL' today!

I am very happy to be showing you a pretty Blanket which arrived in my porch this morning. It surely is a stunner!  Sarah over on RAV has been very busy indeed these last few weeks making and donating two Blankets to 'SIBOL'.

The first one if you remember had an 'autumny feel' to it. I'll show you.

Sarah (UK) has very kindly made and donated this beautiful Blanket to SIBOL.

Sarah asked if we could call this one 'Arthur' in Memory of her Grandfather-in-Law. A great name for a man's Blanket!

Then this morning this beauty arrived!

Sarah (UK) (RAV() 'Mary' made and donated to 'SIBOL'.

Yes tied up in beautiful ribbon and I went along to my Butterfly stash where I found two perfect Butterflies to add to the Blanket!

I walked outside to take some photos and I'm sure you would like see some more of the Blanket.

This 2nd Blanket is going to be called 'Mary'. Mary was the wife of Arthur.
Sarah said 'It's hard to think of one without the other so it would be nice if Blankets 1 and 2 were named after them.'

These Squares are so beautiful!

Created with flickr slideshow.

Your kindness is very much appreciated Sarah. Thank you so much! I love both Blankets and what a lovely thing to do in Memory of Arthur and Mary.

Sarah also sent along two green Squares for our 'SIBOL Stash'. She certainly makes pretty Squares! Thank you.

Sarah (RAV) Your Squares arrived today with the beautiful Blanket! Thank you very much!

If anyone would like to make and donate a Blanket to 'SIBOL' you are most welcome to help.  This is a great way of sharing our passion for Crocheting, and it's also helping me get more Blankets out to our Elderly folk.

All details about making a Blanket are on 'SIBOL CHALLENGES'.  There are other Challenges too listed if you would like to join our group.

I think that is all for now. You never know there might be a second post!

Thanks for visiting.

x Sue x

Monday, 27 February 2012

Challenge Squares arrive and so does 'Springtime!'

Hello Everyone!

I am very happy indeed to be showing you some gorgeous Challenge Squares that have arrived today.

First of all we have Squares from Fiona in the Netherlands. She has very kindly made two Squares for our 'Wiggles Challenge'. This really is a very nice Challenge and it's so interesting to see what colours everyone makes them in.

'Wiggles Challenge'. Beautiful I love them!

They have come out really well, I love the variegated yarn on the yellow Square.

African Flowers! Such pretty colours!

The other two Squares are African Flowers these were very popular last year on Flickr.  The purple Square  is to be sent off to Inside Crochet 'Favourite Square' article  The other one is for our SIBOL Stash!  Thanks for all four Squares Fiona they really are all very interesting! Thank you for sending them to me.

pippa-anne has also made a Challenge Square. This time it is for our 'Owl Challenge'. As I was saying I didn't know there were so many varieties! All the Squares I am getting in for this Challenge are all so different. I love this little fella and I particularly like the blue background with the stars. It really is lovely pippa-anne thank you!

pippa-anne (UK) Owl Challenge. What a cutie! I love him. Thank you pippa-anne!

Well those are the new Squares that have arrived. Something else very interesting arrived today 'Springtime'.

'Springtime' is a really lovely Blanket made and donated by jenniferanne in Scotland. This Blanket is just so warm once again. Made in the most beautiful shades of Green from  'darkest conifers to palest primroses!'   The Square used is 'Vintage Lace' designed by Margret Wilson.  jenniferanne joined the squares with 'an experimental fan stitch which I think looks wonderful! Such a different way of joining Squares. jenniferanne also enclosed two 'cabbage white' Butterflies  It simply is a delight. jenniferanne tells me she crochets everywhere! Her tea break at work, waiting rooms, you name it ....where-ever she goes that hook is red hot! Working away making Squares and such. I agree with what she tells me Squares are the ideal things to carry around. They can be transported easily and can be picked up whenever you like!

This Blanket is once again a stunner. Do you remember she also made 'Still Waters' which  I showcased on February 17th.

jenniferanne has tried to put a maritime feel to this Blanket with wheels, compass points and cable ropes.

I can't believe only ten days later I am here showcasing another one called 'Springtime'. What a joy this one is too!

'Springtime' made and donated by jenniferanne (RAV) (SCOTLAND).

The 'optional challenges' I have listed on the Challenge Blog are indeed very popular and they are helping me very much at the moment, as I have a lot of family commitments. I really appreciate all the hard work that has gone into yet another gorgeous Blanket jenniferanne. I am most grateful to you and I know that this Blanket will be received so warmly in a few months time when I go out once again to the Nursing Homes.

I have made a Slide Show for you, sit back now and relax and watch your Blanket whizz round!

Created with flickr slideshow.

I will soon have to be sending off the 'Your Favourite Squares'  to 'Inside Crochet'. If you are interested please mail me
Sue on sueatpigsty@talktalk.net for my address. All details are over on RAVELRY

I am in the process of making one of the 'Heart Blankets' up at the moment. Progress is a little slow as I am busy with my family but I am doing a little when I can.

Thanks for visiting 'SIBOL' today and thanks also to pippa-anne, Fiona and jenniferanne! Your help is very much appreciated.

x Sue x

Friday, 24 February 2012

Ta - Dah! SIBOL 131 and new Squares today!

Hello Everyone!

I'm very pleased to be showing you some great Squares which have arrived today from pippa-anne and bonsall both here in the UK.

pippa-anne has had a go at making a Square for our 'Irish Rose' Challenge. This indeed is a pretty Square but I have found out from a few Ladies now that it is a bit of a Challenge! I am sure jenniferanne over on RAVELRY will help you if you get stuck so please follow the link to her and say hello  I'm sure she will be most willing to help you!  If you would like to challenge yourself with this particular Square please email me for the Square instructions. Sue on sueatpigsty@talktalk.net

Let's take a look at the Square pippa-anne has made now so well!

pippa-anne (UK) 'Irish Rose' Challenge. Thank you!

I think it has come out beautifully pippa-anne thanks so much for sending it to me. This is going to be a really pretty Blanket I'm sure.

The next set of Squares have come in from bonsall. bonsall has made some Flower Squares for 'SIBOL' and they really are lovely.

Beautiful Flower Squares bonsall, superb!

If  you remember a while back we made a great Flower Blanket with similar Squares from bonsall. Let's take a look at that one. That  was 'SIBOL' 88 and it was called 'Keep off the Grass!'. I loved this Blanket and I tried to make the border look like grass. It took me simply ages to do, but I think it came out quite well! Laura in the Netherlands made the Green Squares with the yellow Flowers in the centre which were lovely too!

'Thanks to bonsall (UK) and Laura (Netherlands) for the most beautiful Squares!

I also received these Squares from bonsall today!

These Squares too are so interesting I love them! Thank you so much!

Just look at these pretty Squares, all so lovely. Very interesting indeed and the yarn is great!

I am very happy also to be showing you our latest Ta - Dah! jean nock has very kindly been helping me out assembling a Blanket and I am very grateful to her.   The Squares came in from Germany 'Dolphin Sunshine' over on RAVELRY very kindly sent them along. She was kind enough to send me 50 Squares which have now all been made into two stunning Blankets.

Don't you just love piles of Squares?

50 Beautiful, Beautiful Grannies Ladies!

This was the first Blanket jean nock assembled  from 'Dolphin Sunshines' Squares........

This is a beautiful Blanket, gorgeous Granny Squares!

and the second one SIBOL 131......
Squares donated by 'Dolphin Sunshine' Germany over on RAV. jean nock beautifully made the Blanket up! Well done both!

If you remember the article in 'Inside Crochet' a few weeks ago a photo of the Squares were shown at the bottom of the page! Nice to be famous 'Dolphin Sunshine!'

Inside crochet page 2..........>

Here's your Slide Show for SIBOL 131 now!

Created with flickr slideshow.

Thank you so much for these gorgeous Squares, I love them all and I think the Blanket 'jean nock' has come out beautifully!

I would like to remind you that I am collecting  'your favourite Square' to send off to Inside Crochet. They are asking their readers to either send in their favourite Square to them or to send a photo. If you would like to take part please send  me a Square 'your favourite' I would be most happy to send it on to them. I believe they are going to make a Blanket up. I am trying to collect 25 Squares but I have only had a few so far! For instructions please follow the link to RAVELRY.

I do hope you have enjoyed looking at SIBOL 131 and also the gorgeous Squares from pippa-anne and bonsall. I am very grateful to both of you and of course to 'Dolphin Sunshine' for the Squares for these two superb Blankets!

Have a good weekend everyone!

x Sue x

Thursday, 23 February 2012

New Challenge Squares and a pretty Blanket!

Good Afternoon to everyone!

Thanks for visiting 'SIBOL' today.

As you know we are in the middle of our Challenges at the moment and I am very pleased to be showing you two Squares which have arrived from Joyce28.  Joyce has sent in a gorgeous 'Irish Rose' Square and a perfect 'Olympic Square' too.

If you would like the pattern for 'Irish Rose' then please email me Sue on sueatpigsty@talktalk.net  Let's take a look at 'Irish Rose' first.

'Irish Rose' A very pretty Square, very springlike!

A very pretty Square in great colours, thank you Joyce.  Also a wonderful Olympic Square. This one is called 'Weighlifting'. How good is this!  Our special Olympic Blanket is going to be great with all these interesting Squares coming in.  If you would like to take part I must receive your Olympic Squares now by the end of March at the latest. Here's the information if you are interested. Please follow the link to SIBOL CHALLENGES.

Here is 'Weightlifting'.  Thank you very much Joyce, I am very grateful to you.

'Weightlifting' for our Olympic Challenge. A great Square thank you!

I am very pleased to be showing you a beautiful Granny Square Blanket which has arrived this lunchtime from 'Ginnyknit'. (UK)  Ginnyknit has taken part in one of our 'optional challenges' to make a Blanket herself and donate to 'SIBOL'.  If you would like to take part please follow the link to our Challenge Blog.

The Squares are just so nice, very well co-ordinated and Ginnyknit has put it together so well. This Blanket is going to be very well received by our Elderly folk in Nursing Homes and I am extremely grateful to you.  The Butterflies are from our 'Butterfly Stash!'.  I found two perfect Butterflies to match Ginnyknits Blanket.
The Butterflies were made by jean nock. Thank you!

Ginnyknit (UK) Has very kindly made and donated a Blanket to SIBOL.

I would just like to say that if you are interested in making the Butterflies for SIBOL, there is a great video tutorial by Nettie in Australia. If you would like to donate any to SIBOL, these will come in very useful to me. It saves a little time when I am due to showcase them.

Sit back now and enjoy your Slide Show Ginnyknit. This truly is a gorgeous Blanket thank you for taking the time and trouble to make it for 'SIBOL'.

Created with flickr slideshow.

Thank you Joyce and Ginnyknit. Your help is very much appreciated.

Thank you for visiting our web site today!

x Sue x

Tuesday, 21 February 2012

What to do with your unwanted stash!

Hello Everyone!

Thank you so much for popping in to 'SIBOL'.  If you are visiting us for the first time I'm very pleased you have stumbled across us!

As you all know we have certain Challenges set each year and it's always so nice to see so many of you take part.  But amongst the recent Challenges I set, I also made some 'Optional Challenges'.  If you follow the link to our Challenge Blog you will be able to read all about them.

One of the Challenges was to make a Large Granny Square Blanket and my idea for this came to me over Christmas when I was taking a little time out from 'SIBOL' to make a few of my own. I just loved the process so much. I found it just so relaxing and what an ideal way to use up that 'unwanted stash'.  You could in fact just make a magic ball of yarn up by tying the ends together and continually going round and round until you had made a 36 - 38" Square or you could use co-ordinating yarn like our dear Joanna has done!

This morning I had a large parcel arrive from Joanna. On opening,  that 'Wow' word came out of my mouth! For inside I found two beautiful Large Granny Square Blankets. She is a secretive Lady, I thought she was busy making socks and here I find two gorgeous Blankets for our Elderly folk.

These Blankets are just so pretty!

Joanna said in her note this morning, 'I decided to make one to use up those bits of wool and not quite full balls. So I made the Blue and Green Blanket. I then decided to make one for a Lady'. I must admit this is my favourite of the two. I really love making these and have made a bit of a dent in my stash too!'.

Well Joanna, thank you so much the Blankets are absolutely gorgeous and I think it was an excellent way to use some of your 'unwanted stash'. I am very grateful to you. These Blankets are just so lovely and they certainly are very warm indeed. I have had great fun taking photos this morning and I'm now very pleased to be showing you Joanna's Blankets. The Butterflies were out of my 'Butterfly Stash'. Talking of Butterflies, please do take a 'SIBOL Butterfly' from the right hand side bar. These Blankets are going to be so well received from our Elderly folk.

Does it really matter if we make our SIBOL Blankets from 'just Squares?'. I don't think so.......I'm sure the Elderly would welcome any warm Blanket whether it be from Squares or a Large  Granny Square Blanket.  It might suit some Ladies to make one Large Granny Square rather than 6" Squares. If you are interested at all I have all the details over on SIBOL CHALLENGES. So if you love Crocheting or Knitting please join us. Of course if you prefer to make a Knitted Blanket you are most welcome too as well. Our Group is open to anyone if you'd like to join us. For any other enquiries please mail me Sue on sueatpigsty@talktalk.net

Joanna I am very, very grateful to you.  Later on in the year I shall be making my next delivery and I am sure your Blankets will be loved very much by the people who receive them. Thank you so much.

We are doing a second 'Think Pink' Blanket and Joanna has offered her services. If you are interested in submitting a pink Square for this special 'Breast Cancer Awareness' Blanket please follow the link to RAVELRY.  As you know the first one raised £102.00 for this brilliant cause. We thought we would get another one ready in time for October.  You will need to put your name down so please pop over to the thread.

If anyone would like to send in their favourite Square to me, I would be most happy to send on to Inside Crochet magazine. They are asking their readers to pick out their favourite. I thought it would be nice to send 25 from our Group to them. If you are interested follow the link to RAVELRY please.

Well an exciting day here at SIBOL HQ. Thank you Joanna, and thanks to everyone for visiting 'SIBOL' today I hope you have enjoyed our Slide Show!

x Sue x

Friday, 17 February 2012

New Blankets and Squares for you to see!

Hello Everyone!

First of all thank you for visiting 'SIBOL' today! I am very happy to be welcoming new Ladies to our Group and I hope you enjoy looking at our Squares that we make and our beautiful Blankets.

I would like to tell you first of all that our Blanket for the 'Your Local Landscape' Challenge has been received safely in Jersey

'SIBOLETTES' you rose to my Challenge again! Thanks to everyone that has taken part in this wonderful Blanket.

and I have received an email from Pat Robson the Organiser. I'm sure you will like to read what she said.


We opened the package this afternoon , it is amazing, lovely and very unique.
Mencap will be thrilled with your wonderful gift.
A great idea to have the booklet with it.


So well done everyone and I hope this Blanket raises some money in Jersey for Mencap.

I also had an email from Mary from the Alzheimers Society here in the UK and after seeing the article in the magazine the other day about our Olympic Challenge she is going to pass the details on to her Volunteers. She thought it was a fantastic idea and asked me for more details. I am so excited about our Olympic Challenge. If you would like to take part please visit SIBOL CHALLENGES.

I have three new Blankets to show you and I have to apologise for not doing them sooner.
The first one jean nock very kindly assembled for me. The Squares came in from Dolphin Sunshine  (Germany) over on RAVELRY.  What is nicer than a traditional Granny Square and I'm sure you will agree these Squares are just so lovely. All in beautiful colours and fantastic yarn was used too!
Let's take a look now this is SIBOL 126 would you believe!
This is a beautiful Blanket, gorgeous Granny Squares!

So pretty aren't they?
Dolphin Sunshine actually sent me enough for two Blankets that's 50 Squares and jean nock is working on the second Blanket for me. If you saw the article from Inside Crochet the other week you would have seen Dolphin Sunshines' Squares before they were made up. She was really thrilled to see her Squares in the magazine as you can imagine!
Inside crochet page 2..........>

There they are at the bottom what a fantastic pile! I love Grannies.  Thank you so much Dolphin Sunshine and I do hope you like your Slide Show!

Created with flickr slideshow.


The second Blanket I have to show you, our 127th SIBOL has been made and donated by Sarah here in the UK.  These Squares are super too, they have a warm autumny feel and I'm sure this Blanket is going to give such a lot of warmth and comfort to one of our Elderly folk. The Blanket is larger than our normal 25 Squares but that is no problem at all.  Sarah has lovingly made each Square and has made them in such wonderful colours. A great variegated yarn has been used and the rest of the yarn has matched perfectly. I can't tell you how warm this Blanket is!

Sarah (UK) has very kindly made and donated this beautiful Blanket to SIBOL.

I'd like to show you the Slide Show I have made for Sarah!

Created with flickr slideshow.

Another stunning Blanket thank you very much Sarah for all your hard work. I love the Blanket.


I am a lucky girl,  the third Ta - Dah today is from jenniferanne in Scotland.  jenniferanne regularly contributes Squares to SIBOL and I am always very grateful to her.  She has made a gorgeous Blanket with the Sea in mind.  This is SIBOL 128, and it's called 'Still Waters'.

jenniferanne has tried to put a maritime feel to this Blanket with wheels, compass points and cable ropes.

Diagram jenniferanne made for us to explain her Squares!

jenniferanne has put a lot of thought into this Blanket and she writes in her note to me.......

'I have tried to give this Blanket a maritime feel, with wheels, compass points and cable ropes. My dream is that it could comfort the knees of a retired seafarer'.  I have made two SIBOL Butterflies and would like to see them fairly near the top (light portion) of the Blanket, as you wouldn't want to see them submerged in the inky depths!'

I agree with you jenniferanne. This Blanket too is a stunner and I really appreciate all the hard work and thought you have put into the Blanket. Thank you very much.

Would you like to make and donate a Blanket to SIBOL?  Not only do we assemble the beautiful Squares that you make but we also welcome your own Blankets to help us keep the Elderly warm!  If you would like to visit SIBOL CHALLENGES this Blog gives you all the details about our 'optional Challenges' as well as our usual ones  which means  that you can make your own Blanket for SIBOL 'if you want to'.
Every Blanket makes a difference to the Elderly whether I assemble it or one of  our SIBOLETTES. Our Blankets are accepted so well and each one is just so individual and unique!

jenniferanne I have made you a Slide Show so make yourself a cuppa and sit back and enjoy watching your Blanket 'Still Waters'. Thank you so much!

Created with flickr slideshow.

Thank you all so much for these beautiful Blankets! Each one is so different and they will be very well received by our Elderly folk in the UK.


Inside Crochet this edition were asking their readers to send in their favourite Square. I have offered to send in 25 Squares on behalf of our Group.  All details are on the RAVERLY link. If you would like to take part please follow the instructions about sending.

Beverley over on RAV has very kindly sent in her Square which I will forward on with the others. This one is called 'Sunny Spread'. Do you recognise the Square? The pattern is by Ellen Gormley and it is just so pretty. I think Beverley has made this Square really well, I love it thank you!

Beverley (UK) Your Square arrived today!

As our 'Think Pink' Blanket was so successful we are going to make another 'Breast Cancer Care' Blanket to be auctioned  on EBAY.  This Blanket will be put together in time for October. jenniferanne has sent in a Square today which is lovely also.  'Velvet & Lace' by Priscilla Hewitt. Thank you once again! Details are on this link.

jenniferanne (SCOTLAND)

Well there you are two gorgeous Squares and three Ta - Dah's.  I would like to thank everyone that has either made a Blanket or sent in Squares to me. I would also like to thank you for your emails, kind words and visits to our SIBOL Blog.

Thank you. I hope you have enjoyed your visit and that it has inspired you to perhaps 'make your own Blanket for our Elderly here in the UK!'

x Sue x

Wednesday, 15 February 2012

SIBOL Squares and a new magazine hits the UK!

Hello Everyone!

I am very pleased to be showing you two sets of beautiful Squares today!

The first one is from Anne here in the UK. She has sent her 'favourite Square' into SIBOL. This Square is called 'Water Lilly' and it is from the Jan Eaton book.  I am collecting Squares '25' of them to be exact and they are going to be sent off to 'Inside Crochet' who are going to make a Blanket up apparently with readers' favourite blocks.  If you would like to join in please follow the link

Anne thank you very much I love your Square.

pippa-anne (UK) Your 'favourite Square' has arrived today! Thank you!

I have also had in some Squares from kirsty1234 (RAV).  Kirsty has sent in some gorgeous Granny Squares made in the most beautiful variegated yarn. There is also a very nice flower Square too! I'm very grateful to you Kirsty for donating these pretty Squares to SIBOL.  I have made you a Slide Show sit back and enjoy!

Created with flickr slideshow.

Thank you very much Anne and Kirsty! Very much appreciated.

I would like to tell you about a new magazine that has appeared on the shelves in W.H. Smith here in the UK. It's called 'Craft & Click'. It's priced at £7.99 and on a first flick through (Saving that for bed tonight with a nice cup of hot chocolate) it appears to be a really good read.  There is a section 'Start Crafting Online', followed by 'Social Networking', 'Advancing Online', 'Essential Know how' about buying a computer etc., Also a section of 'Buying and Selling' which features everything you want to know about 'ETSY, EBAY, PAYPAL etc.,'

'Craft and Click!' A new magazine appears in the UK! Your favourite things 'Crafting and the Internet!'

If you like Crochet, Knitting, Papercraft, Cross Stitch, Sewing and the internet  this is the magazine for you!

If anyone would like a copy and they can't get hold of one just give me a shout on sueatpigsty@talktalk.net  (Sue)

I'd be happy to obtain one for you and send it on to you where-ever you are in the World! I have a PayPal facility on the SIBOL website, and if you are prepared to pay the cost of the magazine and post and packing I'd be happy to help you out!  I use the 'donate' button for SIBOL, but it also comes in handy for things like this. 

I'm extremely happy to be telling you that our 'Your Local Landscape' Blanket has arrived in Jersey 'safely' which is good news. If I get any more feedback from the organisers I will let you know.

I think that's about all for now, thank you for visiting 'SIBOL' today!

x Sue x

Tuesday, 14 February 2012

We're in Craftseller!

Good Evening Everyone!

I am very pleased to be telling you some brilliant news, today we are in 'Craftseller' another UK 'crafty' magazine!

They have written a special two page article called 'Crafting for Charity'  and our Olympic Challenge has been mentioned.  This is really good publicity for our Group once again and I'm very pleased to say I have had emails already enquiring about our work after reading about us!

It's always so nice to receive emails from new Ladies thanking us for the work we do, and one Lady in particular I won't mention her name but she knows who she is has was telling me how our 'SIBOL' Blog has inspired her to pick up her needles and hook again!  This is the sort of news I love to hear and it actually spurs me on if you like! I am very grateful to her and also to the other Ladies who have enquired about our Olympic Challenge.

Talking of the Olympic Challenge I have edged all the Squares in one row of Double Crochet and I'm waiting now until the rest of the Squares come in. So if you would like to take part please follow the link to the SIBOL CHALLENGE  Blog.

Let's have a look now at the magazine. I would like to thank Marie for featuring an article about us!

Craftseller March 2012.

Craftseller March 2012. 'Olympic Challenge' article. SIBOL.

If you click on the photos it will take you to Flickr and then click on 'actions' and then 'sizes' you will be able to read it then.

I'm sorry I haven't been able to showcase the two latest Blankets yet, but my Daughter and Husband have been at home on holiday and I just haven't had chance yet! But I will do as soon as I can sorry about that!

So another exciting day, thank you all for your support and I would also like to thank all the new members over on Ravelry too! Lovely to have you. Of course as always the new Followers on here too!

x Sue x

Monday, 13 February 2012

A delivery of Squares and a donated Blanket today!

Hello Everyone!

Thanks to everyone once again that took part in our 'Think Pink' auction. I am so pleased to be telling you that the winner lives in the States and the Blanket is on it's way to them. I am very grateful for everyone's support and because the Blanket was such a success we will be doing another one ready for Breast Cancer Awareness month next October.

It surely was a great evening on EBAY, thank you!

I am very happy to be showing you these Squares which have arrived from Dansnanna here in the UK! The Squares are the prettiest things, beautiful pattern and gorgeous colours. If you are interested this particular Square it is called 'The Rose Square' and it's from the book 'Crocheted Throws and Wraps' by Melody Griffiths.

'The Rose Square' from 'Crocheted Throws and Wraps' by Melody Griffiths.

and then the centre in Lilac.....

Such pretty Squares and great colours! Thank you!

The top Square is going to be sent off to Inside Crochet because they are doing an article on 'Favourite Squares' and I have asked if Ladies would like to send one in and then I will forward them on. Here's the link to Ravelry if you are interested. I am going to send about 25 in to them, so please be quick if you are interested.

Thank you so much Dansnanna, I love these Squares.

I am very grateful to Sarah (UK)  today because she has made a beautiful Blanket and has kindly donated it to 'SIBOL'.  How lovely of her!  It's a beautiful Blanket with fantastic autumny colours. She has used variegated yarn in this Blanket and the other yarn matches it beautifully.

I am going to do an official Ta - Dah for her but at the moment I have got both my Daughter and Husband at home and getting to take photos is just a little bit difficult. So please bear with me on that one.

I'm sure you will love to look at this Blanket. Be assured it is just so warm and will be lovely for our Elderly folk.

Sarah (RAV) (UK) Has very kindly made and donated this beautiful Blanket! So kind of you thank you very much!

As soon as I have the house to myself I will be taking some photos and showcasing this beautiful Blanket here on 'SIBOL'. 

I am just so terribly grateful to anyone that wants to make their own Blanket and if you do please pop over to SIBOL Challenges where there are details.

Apparently we are also in 'Craftseller' this month although I haven't seen a copy yet, which is wonderful news!

I will be back with photos as soon as I can until then thanks for visiting 'SIBOL' today!

x Sue x

Friday, 10 February 2012

'Think Pink' Auction on EBAY!

Good Evening Everyone!

I have been watching EBAY with such interest this evening!  You will be very pleased to know that our beautiful 'Think Pink' Blanket has just raised £102.00 for Breast Cancer Care.

I would like to thank all the 'SIBOLETTES' who contributed Squares for this Blanket and also to dear Lotti who has very kindly assembled them. 

This is such a wonderful achievement once again for our 'SIBOL' group. I am over the moon with the result.  Many thanks once again to Lotti who very kindly organised the auction on EBAY and as soon as I get the details through of who won the Blanket I will be organising postage. The parcel is already to be sent off!

Congratulations to the winner! I do hope you enjoy your Blanket!

Thank you to Lotti on RAV for co-ordinating this special Challenge.

It has been made with such love from all of our 'SIBOLETTES' all over the World!

Love and Best Wishes
Sue x

The last day of bidding on EBAY!

Good Morning Everyone!

Today is the last day of our EBAY auction for the 'Think Pink' Blanket.  I am really pleased how the auction is going and we are now up to £77.00! Which is wonderful! 

The Blanket is absolutely gorgeous and if you want to make a bid please do so.  Time is running out now and today  is the final chance to make  'Think Pink' yours!

If you want to have a closer look at the Squares please do so by following this link.


                                                              EBAY LINK!!

Ta - Dah! Introducing SIBOL 125

This lovely, one-of-a-kind item was knitted by members of the ‘Sunshine International Blankets of Love’ group, who make blankets for the elderly. Members of this world-wide group knit or crochet squares and send them to the project’s co-ordinator, who then sews them together and distributes the finished blankets to the elderly via nursing homes. This particular piece was made by group members from the UK, USA, Belgium, the Netherlands and Australia. All proceeds from this auction (excluding P&P costs) will be donated to Breast Cancer Care, an essential charity for anyone affected by breast cancer. Some of the contributions here were made by actual sufferers and survivors of this relentless illness.

Thank you to Lotti on RAV for co-ordinating this special Challenge.

Each of the 25 squares on this special blanket, lovingly nicknamed 'Think Pink!', relates to Breast Cancer Awareness Month, either depicting a cancer ribbon or simply having been made with pink shades of yarn. The border has even been designed with a particular part of the anatomy in mind! The blanket is 35 inches square, making it a typical ‘lapghan’ size. It will also arrive specially presented in the style of all SIBOL items and include a card detailing the names and nationalities of all contributors.

'Think Pink' Breast Awareness Blanket.

We have chosen to open the bidding at £50.00, to reflect the huge amount of time and effort involved in this project, and the fact that this unique blanket has been made for a very worthy cause.

This is a stunning Blanket and I'm very proud of you all! Thank you Lotti!

This beautiful Blanket was organised by Lotti on Ravelry and made by Ladies of our 'SIBOL' Group 'Thanks to everyone who took part!'


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sue on sueatpigsty@talktalk.net

I would like to thank everyone that is 'watching' the bidding and I hope it will get even more exciting at the end! Thanks to everyone that has placeed a bid too! I hope you will be lucky!

Yesterday I had some  Squares come in from Brenda (UK).  Brenda has made her version of 'Irish Rose' and it is simply beautiful thank you very much. This Square is made in really pretty colours. 

BrendaS2 (UK) Your Squares have arrived! Thank you!

The other one 'Cherries' is so lovely too. Brenda added the stalks! What a wonderful idea. She's thinking we may do a 'Fruit' Blanket one of these days!

Thank you for taking the time and trouble to make the Squares Brenda, very nice of you!

Here is a sneaky view of a Blanket that jean nock has very kindly helped me with. These Squares were sent in from 'Dolphin Sunshine' and jean nock has assembled them for me! The Squares are just so lovely and jean nock has made an excellent job of the border too!  I shall be showcasing this Blanket once our auction is over!

'SIBOL 126' has arrived from Jean Nock! Thank you very much! A Ta - Dah will follow soon!

jenniferane has sent in her 'Favourite Square' for Inside Crochet.


Pippa-Anne (UK)

Has very kindly sent in her Snowman for our Challenge (Blanket 2 Snowman) Great Square thank you!

Pippa-Anne (UK)

Thank you jenniferanne and Pippa-Anne!

Thanks to everyone that has popped in to SIBOL today and don't forget to watch EBAY this evening!

x Sue x

Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Time is running out Ladies! Your chance to bid for a SIBOL 'Think Pink' Blanket.

Hello Everyone!

                                                              EBAY LINK!!

Ta - Dah! Introducing SIBOL 125

This lovely, one-of-a-kind item was knitted by members of the ‘Sunshine International Blankets of Love’ group, who make blankets for the elderly. Members of this world-wide group knit or crochet squares and send them to the project’s co-ordinator, who then sews them together and distributes the finished blankets to the elderly via nursing homes. This particular piece was made by group members from the UK, USA, Belgium, the Netherlands and Australia. All proceeds from this auction (excluding P&P costs) will be donated to Breast Cancer Care, an essential charity for anyone affected by breast cancer. Some of the contributions here were made by actual sufferers and survivors of this relentless illness.

Thank you to Lotti on RAV for co-ordinating this special Challenge.

Each of the 25 squares on this special blanket, lovingly nicknamed 'Think Pink!', relates to Breast Cancer Awareness Month, either depicting a cancer ribbon or simply having been made with pink shades of yarn. The border has even been designed with a particular part of the anatomy in mind! The blanket is 35 inches square, making it a typical ‘lapghan’ size. It will also arrive specially presented in the style of all SIBOL items and include a card detailing the names and nationalities of all contributors.

'Think Pink' Breast Awareness Blanket.

We have chosen to open the bidding at £50.00, to reflect the huge amount of time and effort involved in this project, and the fact that this unique blanket has been made for a very worthy cause.

This is a stunning Blanket and I'm very proud of you all! Thank you Lotti!

This beautiful Blanket was organised by Lotti on Ravelry and made by Ladies of our 'SIBOL' Group 'Thanks to everyone who took part!'


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sue on sueatpigsty@talktalk.net

x Sue x