Our SIBOL TOTAL IS 1376! Thank You!

Slideshow of Sunshine Blankets (Click on Left/Right Arrows).

Challenge Blankets
I'm Sue and can be contacted on

It is so important that email addresses and names are enclosed with your donations of Sunshine Blankets, Shawls and Butterflies please. Thank you!

Butterflies LINK

'Crochet keeps our hands busy so our minds can rest. It is a gift to help quiet the world around us, if even for a moment. To create -- and think of those we create for --is a quiet prayer of hope, love and dreams all wrapped up in a hook, a book and a ball of yarn. Author Anonymous. Thanks Cynthia.
I NO LONGER ACCEPT KNITTED OR CROCHETED SQUARES. I DO HOWEVER ACCEPT MADE UP BLANKETS FOR THE ELDERLY IN CARE HOMES. I'D BE VERY HAPPY TO RECEIVE YOURS! THANK YOU! 'SIBOL' is a charitable outlet for your Crocheting and Knitting Skills why not join us? Together we are 'Sending a ray of Sunshine into the Lives of the Elderly.' All enquiries please contact Sue on sueatpigsty@virginmedia.com Thank you!
Please Note

Please may I remind you to enclose your email address with parcels delivered to my home. If I don't acknowledge receipt it's because I can't find your address. Thank you.

Total 1384 Thank you!

Friday, 3 December 2010

Can you help with a name please?

Hello Everyone!

Many thanks for your kind comments on the latest Blanket.

Here now are the four 'Strawberry and Cream' Challenge Blankets for the Elderly.

I need a name please for the third one? Can you help?

This is 'Strawberry Fields'.

Ta - Dah! SIBOL No. 44 '4/4' 'Strawberry and Cream' Challenge. Please 'add note' Ladies. 'Strawberry Fields' Thanks Mandas' Challenges....>

                                          Can you think of a good name for this Blanket please?   

Thanks to everyone who contributed Squares for this Challenge 3/4. Please 'add note' if you see your Square!

'Strawberry Delight'

'Strawberry Delight' - Thanks to everyone who have contributed Squares! 'Please add note'

                                                               'Strawberries 'n Cream'

Do I have to ask you Ladies? 'please add note if you see your Square!' Thank you to Everyone who have contributed Squares for this Challenge. Superb!

I am always so grateful for the wonderful Squares that come my way. I know you enjoy making and sending them as much as I enjoy making the Blankets up for the Elderly. Thank you.

Have a nice weekend everyone!


  1. How's about....

    Strawberry Cheesecake
    Strawberry Sundae
    Strawberries n' Cream
    Strawberry Shortcake
    Strawberry Ice Cream
    Strawberry Marmalade
    Strawberry Smoothie

    Ok...that's it for now, all tapped out....

    Good Weekend Wishes,

    Thanks for entering my silly giveaway.
    Strawberry Jam

  2. I like 'Strawberry Sundae' Thank you Kate! x

  3. Absolutely yummy. Great name Kate!!!!

  4. Yes Strawberry Sundae is scrummy!!!

  5. Yum - 'Strawberry Sundae' is a great name. The only other one I could think of was 'Strawberry dreams'.

    Beautiful blankets - everyone who contributed to these should be really proud!

  6. Sweet Strawberry's, beautiful blankets :))

  7. Strawberry Swirl is my suggestion if you haven't chosen. I'm a little late to the party!
