Hello Everyone!
Are you having a nice Sunday? I hope so. It's always so nice when I have a Ta - Dah for you! Number 33, goodness, it amazes me, let alone you!
Okay now first of all thank you so much for all the beautiful Squares I have had for the 'Bonfire Challenge'. The Squares have just been absolutely wonderful. Your imagination certainly ran away with you again!
I had a smile to my face on Friday morning. My Freezer broke down and a lovely Engineer came to the house. Well at four rows in on my blanket it was lying on the Conservatory sofa, ends all hanging there, BUT this did not stop the nice man from remarking on it. He first of all spotted the Bonfire picture Square in the middle. He said a 'Bonfire Blanket?' I said yes. I told him the story about the Squares how they fly in from all corners of the World. Such kind generous Ladies taking part in my project. I told him about my Grandmother and he was so interested. He wanted a closer look. I went and got the Blanket and bought it into the Kitchen. I told him where each Square had travelled from. He was just so interested SIBOLETTES! Wonderful he said. It didn't stop there I was telling him about the other Challenges. I said I had just finished a Seaside Blanket. So upstairs I went to fetch that one. He absolutely loved it.
So there you are! Isn't it nice that a 'random chap' just walking into my house remarked on the beautiful of the Blanket. BUT it didn't stop there because Little Miss Twins (2) boyfriend was here, and he started chatting to him about the Blankets also. He even told him all about SIBOL. How I had made the Blog with the music and the Slide Shows. Well was I chuffed? It really made my day.
So thank you to everyone who has sent me Squares for this Challenge. I have enough Squares for another Blanket which I shall be starting later on today after I have been to my Mothers. The Squares are absolutely beautiful once again, you certainly rose to the Challenge!

Lots of Fireworks going off now in my Slide Show.
We have had a Challenge on SIBOL for 'Firey, Bright, Sparkly, Explosive Squares!' There may be friends in other countries who do not know about this yearly event so I will tell you.
Guy Fawkes was brought up as a Protestant, but later became a Catholic. When James 1 became King in 1603, Guy Fawkes and other Catholics hoped for better treatment than they had received during Elizabeths 1's reign. But James 1 allowed the persecution of Catholics to continue. In 1604, a small group of Catholics, led by Robert Catesby, plotted to kill the King. They invited Guy Fawkes to join them because of his ability to deal with explosives. (A bit of a bad boy I think!)
Anyway, the plan was to blow up the House of Lords when the King came to open Parliament on 5th November 1605. They hired a cellar and filled it with gunpowder. Guy Fawkes agreed to light the fuse. But the plot was discovered, and on 4th November Guy Fawkes was arrested. Although he was tortured, at first he bravely refused to name the other conspirators. Eventually he signed a confession, and was tried and executed.
Guy Fawkes Night, also known as Bonfire night is an annual celebration held on the evening of 5th November to mark the failure of the Gunpowder Plot to blow up the Houses of Parliament.
All over the UK Fireworks are on sale, they have not as yet been banned as in Australia I think. Festivities are centred on the use of Fireworks and the lighting of Bonfires and of course many people make their own versions of Guy Fawkes to sit on top of the fires!
There you are a 'History Lesson on Guy Fawkes!' I think we succeeded with our Challenge.
Enjoy your Sunday everyone!
WOW!! This blanket is beautiful. I love the colours and how beautifully you've put them all together. It's very exciting to see your own squares in a blanket. Thanks for letting me be a part of such a wonderful project.
ReplyDeleteHave a great day,
You are most welcome Anne!
ReplyDeleteThank You!
I think we succeeded in our first Bonfire Blanket.
Glad you enjoyed the Challenge! x
This is like the sky on a Firework's night!
ReplyDeleteThis is a beautiful blanket,never thought that it will look so cute .Great for a male . I had mail the squares Thursday .Thanks Mrs. Sue you are doing such a wonderful job.
ReplyDeleteHappy Sunday to everyone.
The blanket is once again a huge success! Cant wait to see the next one. My birthday is on 5th November so i am Loving this theme Sue!
ReplyDeleteYes, it's a wonderful Sunday. Because it's a SUNNYDAY we had a long walk at the beach with our doggies this morning. And now I see your wonderful Bonfire Blanket. Well done Sue!
ReplyDelete~X~ Karin
How fabulous to have a random man make comment of all the wonderful blankies :0) The bonfire blanket is amazing another beauty!!
ReplyDeleteI love English history! I didn't know what a Bonfire blanket was and now I do. When I saw the photo I thought of Halloween with all the lovely orange shades. Isn't that nice that your engineer commented on your beautiful blankets. See men do appreciate the work! It's beautiful here this weekend. I'm going to get my crochet stuff and sit out on my screened in porch and enjoy the lovely day. Hope you have a wonderful day too Sue.
ReplyDeleteAgain a wonderful blanket! I really love these colours. Great job Sue!
ReplyDeleteI love these squares.
ReplyDeleteYou know it's a beautiful blanket when a bloke admires it, let alone 2.
The spiral squares remind me of the Catherine Wheel firecrackers
Mrs Sue, this is a beautiful blanket a really bonfire blanket :))
ReplyDeleteWhat a gorgeous blanket. Well done everyone who contributed, and Sue for making it up into such a work of art.