Hello Everyone!
I am popping in to SIBOL this evening to Congratulate one of our 'SIBOLETTES' on a wonderful achievement.
Joanna (UK) took part in a competition that Deramores 'the yarn company' were holding over on Ravelry and Facebook. I am so terribly pleased because Joanna has won first prize for the entry she submitted for a Slogan competition.
She has won herself wait for it! £500.00 in Knitting Goodies, how cool is that!
Well done Joanna I am very pleased for you and I know for a fact that our other SIBOLETTES will be pleased too. Have you got a spare room to keep all that yarn in? I hope so.....
Congratulations !
I would also like to draw your attention to previous posts on SIBOL. There is always a lot going on and I wouldn't like you to miss anything.
Big exciting things are happening this weekend with SIBOL so pop in when you can!
Goodnight everyone!
x Sue x
Friday, 30 September 2011
Two more for the 100th Blanket
Getting close now, I'm just waiting on 5 squares and then I can put them together! 8D
Here's the squares I received today from Jenn1feranne and Kantjeboord - thank you ladies:
Here's the squares I received today from Jenn1feranne and Kantjeboord - thank you ladies:
'Think Pink' continued ...
Two more beautiful squares have arrived today to go towards the Breast Cancer Awareness blanket we're putting together over on Ravelry ... and here they are:
From Joyce (joyce28)
From Steph (craftymizz)
Aren't they lovely?! I've had more sign-ups since yesterday too, so there are now just 5 spaces remaining to complete the blanket ... please follow this link if you'd like to take part :)
Thursday, 29 September 2011
'Think Pink!' blanket challenge
Hello everyone :)
My name is Lotti, and I'm a very proud Sibolette. As some of my fellow members of the Ravelry forum have recently taken up the challenge to gather and put together squares for new SIBOL blankets, I thought I might offer my services and join them. My idea is to make a blanket commemorating Breast Cancer Awareness month, which has been held each October since 1985 ... and as the pink ribbon is the worldwide symbol for the cause, I thought that an all pink blanket was the very best option for the theme.
I only posted my idea on the SIBOL forum on Ravelry a few nights ago, but am over the moon to be able to say that of the 25 squares I require for the blanket, 18 wonderful ladies have already offered to make and send a square, leaving just seven spaces remaining! I'm also already receiving the squares through the letter-box, which amazes me even more ... but I don't know why I was ever in doubt, having such fabulous people to turn to in my hour of need ;)
Here are the lovely squares which have arrived so far:
From Beverley (Baw1812)
From Marge (bennythedip)
From Carol (Dansnanna)
Two beauties from Jennifer (jenn1feranne)
From Joanna (JoannaDonaldson)
My own square (lotti02)
From Tinka (theemuts)
I think you'll agree that they're all beautiful, and I can't wait to have the full set so that I can put the whole thing together! If you are a member of the SIBOL group on Ravelry, please do sign up if you're able to (and haven't already!) ... and if you're not a member - please join!! :D
Lotti xx
Hello Everyone!
As you know we are collecting Squares for the Olympics London 2012 'special Blanket'. I had the idea to somehow incorporate the words 'OLYMPICS LONDON 2012' within the Blanket.
I have been trawling the internet for Letter patterns and then came across Letter patterns from the Melody Griffiths Book '201 Crochet motifs, blocks, projects and ideas'. So to try and generate more Squares for this Blanket I am asking you if you would like to make a 6" Square in the colours of Red, White and Blue. It has to have one of these Letters on the Square. Now I will leave it to you ...If you want to use your own ideas that's absolutely fine. If you need a pattern from this 'easy peasy' book I will be very pleased to send a pattern on email. The patterns are very easy even I could do them!
If you are interested either email me or pop over to RAV SIBOL Group.
So if you are interested please email me Sue on sueatpigsty@talktalk.net
I honestly don't mind how you Crochet or Knit the Square. You can make the Letter or Number in any colour you like. But the Square must be 6" and in the colours of Red, White and Blue. Thank you.
Now this morning I have already received a Square from Craftymizz. She chose the Letter 'O' and she's made a wonderful Square. Thank you very much. Here it is...

Now as the weekend is approaching we are starting to get in to our SIBOL 100 'party mood'. So I do hope you watch this space! I'll keep you guessing now!!
Have a good day everyone!
x Sue x
As you know we are collecting Squares for the Olympics London 2012 'special Blanket'. I had the idea to somehow incorporate the words 'OLYMPICS LONDON 2012' within the Blanket.
I have been trawling the internet for Letter patterns and then came across Letter patterns from the Melody Griffiths Book '201 Crochet motifs, blocks, projects and ideas'. So to try and generate more Squares for this Blanket I am asking you if you would like to make a 6" Square in the colours of Red, White and Blue. It has to have one of these Letters on the Square. Now I will leave it to you ...If you want to use your own ideas that's absolutely fine. If you need a pattern from this 'easy peasy' book I will be very pleased to send a pattern on email. The patterns are very easy even I could do them!
If you are interested either email me or pop over to RAV SIBOL Group.
So if you are interested please email me Sue on sueatpigsty@talktalk.net
I honestly don't mind how you Crochet or Knit the Square. You can make the Letter or Number in any colour you like. But the Square must be 6" and in the colours of Red, White and Blue. Thank you.
Now this morning I have already received a Square from Craftymizz. She chose the Letter 'O' and she's made a wonderful Square. Thank you very much. Here it is...

Now as the weekend is approaching we are starting to get in to our SIBOL 100 'party mood'. So I do hope you watch this space! I'll keep you guessing now!!
Have a good day everyone!
x Sue x
Wednesday, 28 September 2011
Ta - Dah! Introducing SIBOL 97!
Good Evening everyone!
Thanks so much for visiting 'SIBOL' this evening. I am very pleased to be showing you the second 'Grow me a Garden' Blanket. I have once again had so much fun making this Blanket up. The Squares have been a......! Yes, you've guessed it 'amazing!' :) My favourite word.
Beautiful Squares, gorgeous flowers make this Blanket so special. I would like to thank every one so much for the Squares they sent in. They are just so pretty.
I'm not sure what is next 'blanket wise', I have to go through my Squares tomorrow. There may be another 'Grow me a Garden' I'm not sure. I can't remember to be honest with you. It's a bit late now to look, a job for tomorrow. Anyway it will take me quite a while to update the website.
Let's have a look now at these gorgeous Flower Squares.
I do hope you will pop over to our SIBOL Group on Rav. We have a lot going on over there and you are most welcome to join in a couple of things which we are doing.
To all the Ladies who have sent me Squares for this particular Blanket thank you so much. I know the Ladies in the homes are just going to love this Blanket once again. The Squares have been so beautiful and I am so pleased that you think my project is worthy of your time.
As I'm typing this post I notice we have had some more Squares come in for the Blankets been made over on Ravelry. Please see previous post.
I also want to show you this book I found on one of the book sites.
Have a lovely evening everyone
x Sue x
Three more squares arrive
Another three squares have arrived today from Hieke and Coxabey - thank you ladies:
I'm only waiting for a few more now and then I can start making it up 8D
I'm only waiting for a few more now and then I can start making it up 8D
Tuesday, 27 September 2011
3 Squares arrive for the 100th Blanket
A lovely surprise arrived today in the way of three squares for the 100th blanket from Arien, Notre-Atelier and Richtje. Thank you so much ladies:
Be sure to check out Sue's post below, she's got some exciting news. x
Be sure to check out Sue's post below, she's got some exciting news. x
Hi Everyone!
Just up-dating you on SIBOL.
No Squares today.
Over on Ravelry the Ladies are busy collecting Squares on my behalf while I am trying to make the Challenge Blankets up.
They need help please.
Would you like to pop over to Ravelry SIBOL Group and visit our discussion threads.
We have a Snowman Challenge with empty spaces and also
Also Think Pink with spaces too!
I was inspired by joyce28 this morning with regard to the Olympic Blanket we are collecting Squares for.
She was showing her beautiful Olympic Squares over on Flickr She was asking me whether I thought they were relevant because they were concentrating more on London., Well joyce28 I do think they are relevant.
The Olympic Games are going to be held in the capital and I think this itself is just marvellous. So if anyone else wants to make 'London' Squares please do. There will be lots of visitors to London, and who knows they might want to take back home a memento of their visit to London and the Olympics. So well done joyce28! I shall be over the moon to receive your Squares.
But it got me thinking. Becareful again Sue! I am suggesting now that we do a centre piece to our Blanket.
I would like to incorporate the following words
2 0 1 2
We will be auctioning this Blanket on EBAY to raise money for the Alzheimers Society in the UK. around the time of the Olympics next year. I chose this cause because I thought it was connected with the work we do for the Elderly. But in the future we might also want to do something else for another cause.
So......this is where you come in!
Each Square must be Crocheted or Knitted with the above letters on.
It must be 6" please.
It must be in the colours of Red, Blue and White.
I would like each Lady to choose their own Letter.
Lotti02 has already chosen one of the O's. Thank you Lotti!
Now I have a book here called 201 Crochet Motifs, Blocks, Projects and Ideas by Melody Griffiths. Mr. Twins recently bought it for me, bless him. It's come at the right time for SIBOL. Inside from page 42 to 53 there are easy to follow instructions and diagrams on how to crochet 'Letters'.
So this morning I have been busy scanning each Letter and if you would like to choose a Letter please email me Sue on sueatpigsty@talktalk.net for your pattern. Or leave me a message on the new thread I have started over on RAV.
I would love you to help me do the centre-piece and it is also a way of 'generating' more Squares for this Blanket. I would like it to be bigger and better than our Royal Wedding Blanket.
Of course if you want to use your own pattern or way of making a Letter Square then please do, you don't have to follow the 201 Book by Melody Griffiths.
I have to say at this point I am so glad my Husband bought it for me it is such a great book.
The other bit of news I have is that yesterday I received an email from
All Free Crochet Christine Weiher The Editor over in the States and she informed me that SIBOL is now in their top list of Charities. So if you would like to follow the link you will see for yourselves. This is a great web site, so interesting you could browse the patterns all day long!
What not sign up and receive their latest projects?
I'm busy making the 97th Blanket. I only have the border to do now. Craftymizz over on Rav is taking charge of a special SIBOL 100 Blanket if you would like to follow the link you will see what's she's up to.
She will tell you whether there are any free places left. She has designed the Blanket herself and is using Jan Eatons Blocks. I'm sure you would like to take a peep please do!
I would like to thank the Ladies over on Ravelry for their work while I am assembling these Blankets it is very much appreciated and I know you are enjoying yourselves.
I think that is all for now.
So let me know if you would like a pattern for the Letters and I do need them as soon as possible please. If you want also to read about our Olympic Blanket please pop over to SIBOL CHALLENGES.
I really am going now thank you for visiting SIBOL today!
Sue on sueatpigsty@talktalk.net
Is my email address for enquiries.
x Sue x
Just up-dating you on SIBOL.
No Squares today.
Over on Ravelry the Ladies are busy collecting Squares on my behalf while I am trying to make the Challenge Blankets up.
They need help please.
Would you like to pop over to Ravelry SIBOL Group and visit our discussion threads.
We have a Snowman Challenge with empty spaces and also
Also Think Pink with spaces too!
I was inspired by joyce28 this morning with regard to the Olympic Blanket we are collecting Squares for.
She was showing her beautiful Olympic Squares over on Flickr She was asking me whether I thought they were relevant because they were concentrating more on London., Well joyce28 I do think they are relevant.
The Olympic Games are going to be held in the capital and I think this itself is just marvellous. So if anyone else wants to make 'London' Squares please do. There will be lots of visitors to London, and who knows they might want to take back home a memento of their visit to London and the Olympics. So well done joyce28! I shall be over the moon to receive your Squares.
But it got me thinking. Becareful again Sue! I am suggesting now that we do a centre piece to our Blanket.
I would like to incorporate the following words
2 0 1 2
We will be auctioning this Blanket on EBAY to raise money for the Alzheimers Society in the UK. around the time of the Olympics next year. I chose this cause because I thought it was connected with the work we do for the Elderly. But in the future we might also want to do something else for another cause.
So......this is where you come in!
Each Square must be Crocheted or Knitted with the above letters on.
It must be 6" please.
It must be in the colours of Red, Blue and White.
I would like each Lady to choose their own Letter.
Lotti02 has already chosen one of the O's. Thank you Lotti!
Now I have a book here called 201 Crochet Motifs, Blocks, Projects and Ideas by Melody Griffiths. Mr. Twins recently bought it for me, bless him. It's come at the right time for SIBOL. Inside from page 42 to 53 there are easy to follow instructions and diagrams on how to crochet 'Letters'.
So this morning I have been busy scanning each Letter and if you would like to choose a Letter please email me Sue on sueatpigsty@talktalk.net for your pattern. Or leave me a message on the new thread I have started over on RAV.
I would love you to help me do the centre-piece and it is also a way of 'generating' more Squares for this Blanket. I would like it to be bigger and better than our Royal Wedding Blanket.
Of course if you want to use your own pattern or way of making a Letter Square then please do, you don't have to follow the 201 Book by Melody Griffiths.
I have to say at this point I am so glad my Husband bought it for me it is such a great book.
The other bit of news I have is that yesterday I received an email from
All Free Crochet Christine Weiher The Editor over in the States and she informed me that SIBOL is now in their top list of Charities. So if you would like to follow the link you will see for yourselves. This is a great web site, so interesting you could browse the patterns all day long!
What not sign up and receive their latest projects?
I'm busy making the 97th Blanket. I only have the border to do now. Craftymizz over on Rav is taking charge of a special SIBOL 100 Blanket if you would like to follow the link you will see what's she's up to.
She will tell you whether there are any free places left. She has designed the Blanket herself and is using Jan Eatons Blocks. I'm sure you would like to take a peep please do!
I would like to thank the Ladies over on Ravelry for their work while I am assembling these Blankets it is very much appreciated and I know you are enjoying yourselves.
I think that is all for now.
So let me know if you would like a pattern for the Letters and I do need them as soon as possible please. If you want also to read about our Olympic Blanket please pop over to SIBOL CHALLENGES.
I really am going now thank you for visiting SIBOL today!
Sue on sueatpigsty@talktalk.net
Is my email address for enquiries.
x Sue x
Sunday, 25 September 2011
MONDAY'S UPDATE and Our 96th Ta - Dah! 'Grow me a Garden'.
Good Evening Everyone!
Thank you for visiting 'SIBOL' this evening.
I am very pleased to be showing you our second 'Grow me a Garden' Blanket. I just love the Squares in this Blanket 'once again!' and I would like to thank everyone that has contributed to this Challenge. The Squares have been 'amazing'. I seem to use that word quite a lot on our web site. But the Squares were 'amazing!'. bonsall was the lady who suggested this particular Challenge a few months ago and I'm so pleased she did because it has been a real pleasure to receive the Squares for this particular Challenge. You have all worked so terribly hard again thank you very much. I love all the Squares in this Blanket.
Slide.com inform me that they have stopped their Slide Shows now. So unfortunately, we won't be seeing our 'Fluttering Butterflies' flying over the Blankets or even our 'Fireworks' celebrating another SIBOL! So for now we will be using Flickr Slide Show. I have made 453 Slide Shows with Slide.com and I would like to thank 'Adam' in particular over in the States who has given me so much support over the months. Thank you Adam 'that's if you are visiting!'.
Let's have a look at this new Blanket.
Pretty isn't it? The Ladies in the Homes love the Flower Blankets as much as the Picture Square Blankets.
I do hope you like the latest Blanket and have enjoyed looking at the photos. I've had such fun with this Blanket once again. I can never thank you all enough!
I would like to thank Coxabey (UK) on RAV for asking me a few days ago whether I would like some yarn for SIBOL. She was having a 'yarn de-stash' and this morning her yarn arrived. I am just so grateful to you. This will be so...useful for our Sunshine Blankets.
Thank you very much Coxabey! A very kind thing to do for SIBOL.

No Squares today, I'm off to do my Blanket.
x Sue x
Saturday, 24 September 2011
Another fabulous square for the Snowman challenge :)
Friday saw another fabulous square for the Snowman Challenge,
Thank you to Ann (kianie) I'm so glad it bought back happy memories for you :)
I agree it's going to be an amazing blankie xx
I still have plenty spaces left if you fancy making a one off Snowman inspired square,:)
it could be a snowman picture square textured square to resemble snowball's maybe or the traditional Granny!
Let your imagination run wild hehe Thank you, much love Amanda xx
Thank you to Ann (kianie) I'm so glad it bought back happy memories for you :)
I agree it's going to be an amazing blankie xx
I still have plenty spaces left if you fancy making a one off Snowman inspired square,:)
it could be a snowman picture square textured square to resemble snowball's maybe or the traditional Granny!
Let your imagination run wild hehe Thank you, much love Amanda xx
Friday, 23 September 2011
New arrivals for 100th Blanket
Thank you to Bennythedip and BigBlue for your squares, which arrived this morning:
There are still 6 spaces for anyone how would like to join in. x
There are still 6 spaces for anyone how would like to join in. x
Thursday, 22 September 2011
Ta - Dah! Introducing SIBOL 95 'Cupcake Challenge'. UPDATED SQUARES FRIDAY.
Hello Everyone!
Thank you very much for visiting 'SIBOL' today.
I am very pleased to be showing your our latest 'SIBOL' or 'Sunshine Blanket' as we like to call them. For all new Ladies who have just joined us this Blanket is made up from Squares received for the 'Cupcake' Challenge we recently collected Squares for.
Every now and then we set a group of Challenges, and amongst the last ones the 'Cupcake' Challenge was suggested. It has been a real pleasure to receive your Squares both Crocheted and Knitted for this particular Challenge. I love the pastel colours used and it's been a real pleasure to make the Blanket up.
Not only do we work very hard all year round making Blankets for the Elderly in Nursing Homes, but we have lots of fun as a group too. Sharing patterns, exchanging ideas, helping each other. We also have SIBOL Swaps too. There is a lot going over on Ravelry too, we have a nice bunch of Ladies over there, why not join us?
This 'Sunshine Blanket' is the 95th Blanket we have made. Can you believe that? 25 Squares in each totalling 2,375 assembled Squares amazing! Thank you so much to everyone that has made a Square at one time or another. Your Squares are always very appreciated.
We certainly are brightening up the lives of the Elderly in Nursing Homes with these gorgeous Blankets and at the same time having fun as a Crocheting and Knitting Group. So thank you all very much.
I'm sorry I'm keeping you waiting. Let's have a look at SIBOL 95.
Do you like it? I hope so.
This is quite a fast moving web site and there is always something to see. I do hope you will scroll down and see previous posts. Steph desperately needs help to finish SIBOL 100 Blanket. She is making a special Blanket to celebrate our 100th Sunshine Blanket and we need Ladies to make Jan Eaton Squares. We are trying to get 25 different Ladies to join in each making a special Jan Eaton Block as per Stephs design. Can you help please? Pop over to Ravelry this evening and put your name down if you would like to help.
Also Amanda is making a 'Snowman SIBOL' while I'm busy making the Challenge Blankets up would you like to help? Have you a special Snowman Square you would like to Knit or Crochet into this Blanket? Please join us. Pop over to Ravelry and put your name down if you are interested.

I have received Squares from 'Jean Nock' this morning. Thank you so much for these pretty Squares. They are all fantastic Squares with great colour combinations. I am very grateful to you for sending them to SIBOL.
Weekend will soon be here, plenty of hooking everyone and please don't forget to pop over to Ravelry and join in the fun over there.
Thanks for visiting SIBOL today!
x Sue x
Hello Ladies, we have had two more squares arrive today for the 100th SIBOL blanket. Thank you to Kianie and Karinaandehaak, they are lovely:
We desperately need more ladies to take part in this blanket though, we are hoping to get this blanket made and delivered by the end of October but we still need 8 squares making. Please look at the design and the squares needed in the post below and, if you feel you would like to join in, please contact us.
Thanks, Steph x
We desperately need more ladies to take part in this blanket though, we are hoping to get this blanket made and delivered by the end of October but we still need 8 squares making. Please look at the design and the squares needed in the post below and, if you feel you would like to join in, please contact us.
Thanks, Steph x
Wednesday, 21 September 2011
Challenge Squares from the Netherlands!
Good Afternoon Everyone!
Thank you so much for popping in to SIBOL today.
I have had some gorgeous Squares arrive today from Hieke in the Netherlands. Hieke has very kindly sent in Squares for a few of our Challenges which are running still. If you are interested please pop over to our SIBOL CHALLENGE blog. You will find details of what we need at present.
Hieke has very kindly made a great selection of Squares. I'm not going to do a Slide Show today because I want to show you a close up 'to inspire' you!
First of all we have two beautiful 'Luna Squares'.

Lovely aren't they?
Pop over to Luna's Blog if you are interested in making any and then send them to SIBOL. We are making a special Blanket.
Luna has very kindly written instructions on how to make the Flower and the Square. She is so...good to SIBOL! Thank you Luna.
Then we have some 'Knit Today' Squares from Hieke.

If you like these Squares why not try them yourself? If you would like the pattern please email me
Sue on sueatpigsty@talktalk.net
Then we have two 'Scrap Squares' Hieke calls them, which really will go in to our Square Stash until we need them.

Really unusual I thought.
Then we have the Olympic Flags.

Why not make a Flag of your Country or even a Granny Square in the colours of your Country? The Countries in these Flags are Denmark, The Netherlands or Luxembourg, France and Estonia. Such brilliant Flags Hieke I love them.
Details are over on SIBOL CHALLENGES.
We have also had a 'Watermelon Square' arrive which I am short of so thank you for that one too Hieke.

Altogether we have had some wonderful Squares today from Hieke. If anyone wants to join us and you have queries please email me or leave a comment. I'd be very happy to help you. Not only are we working very hard all year round for the Elderly, we are having such fun as a group. Sharing patterns, ideas, etc., which is lovely.
Thanks to the Ladies over on Rav too who are making some Blankets up for us. If you would like to pop over and see what they are up to please do. There maybe spaces still available in the special Blankets we are making over there. (Please see previous posts too!)
Also... Would you like to take part in our SIBOL Swap? arien156 kindly organises this special event each month on the RAV SIBOL Group and the Ladies are swapping such beautiful Squares and hand made gifts.
I'm sure you would have lots of fun.
I would like to put up the link too to the SIBOL Butterflies. If you would like to make any for our SIBOL Blankets I would be very happy to accept them. I have so many Ladies asking me where did I get the pattern from. Well it was from our friend Nettie over in Australia. I will give you her blog link.
I have also a Butterfly stash which I go to from time to time. If you want a Change from Squares and you want to make any SIBOL Butterflies please....do! I'd be very happy to accept them. When I am making the Butterflies for the Blankets I always tend to make three. I put one in the 'Butterfly Stash' and two for the Blankets for the Elderly. This helps me the next time round.
I have also been contacting magazines this week, Crochet Today, Let's Knit, Knit Today Lets Get Crafting 'Crochet and Knit' Simply Knitting, Inside Crochet and also I wrote up to Craftseller about our Crafting for Charity.
I wrote an article about our special Olympics Challenge, hoping that they will feature us. We have received wonderful Squares for this Challenge (I will have to do a count). Please look at the Squares at the top of the SIBOL CHALLENGE blog and see if you can get inspiration and maybe design a Square yourself! You would be most welcome to join us!
So I will leave you with Hiekes' Squares, I hope you get some inspiration from them to have a go yourselves. Thank you so much Hieke!

Thank you for popping into the SIBOL web-site today!
x Sue x
Thank you so much for popping in to SIBOL today.
I have had some gorgeous Squares arrive today from Hieke in the Netherlands. Hieke has very kindly sent in Squares for a few of our Challenges which are running still. If you are interested please pop over to our SIBOL CHALLENGE blog. You will find details of what we need at present.
Hieke has very kindly made a great selection of Squares. I'm not going to do a Slide Show today because I want to show you a close up 'to inspire' you!
First of all we have two beautiful 'Luna Squares'.

Lovely aren't they?
Pop over to Luna's Blog if you are interested in making any and then send them to SIBOL. We are making a special Blanket.
Luna has very kindly written instructions on how to make the Flower and the Square. She is so...good to SIBOL! Thank you Luna.
Then we have some 'Knit Today' Squares from Hieke.

If you like these Squares why not try them yourself? If you would like the pattern please email me
Sue on sueatpigsty@talktalk.net
Then we have two 'Scrap Squares' Hieke calls them, which really will go in to our Square Stash until we need them.

Really unusual I thought.
Then we have the Olympic Flags.

Why not make a Flag of your Country or even a Granny Square in the colours of your Country? The Countries in these Flags are Denmark, The Netherlands or Luxembourg, France and Estonia. Such brilliant Flags Hieke I love them.
Details are over on SIBOL CHALLENGES.
We have also had a 'Watermelon Square' arrive which I am short of so thank you for that one too Hieke.

Altogether we have had some wonderful Squares today from Hieke. If anyone wants to join us and you have queries please email me or leave a comment. I'd be very happy to help you. Not only are we working very hard all year round for the Elderly, we are having such fun as a group. Sharing patterns, ideas, etc., which is lovely.
Thanks to the Ladies over on Rav too who are making some Blankets up for us. If you would like to pop over and see what they are up to please do. There maybe spaces still available in the special Blankets we are making over there. (Please see previous posts too!)
Also... Would you like to take part in our SIBOL Swap? arien156 kindly organises this special event each month on the RAV SIBOL Group and the Ladies are swapping such beautiful Squares and hand made gifts.
I'm sure you would have lots of fun.
I would like to put up the link too to the SIBOL Butterflies. If you would like to make any for our SIBOL Blankets I would be very happy to accept them. I have so many Ladies asking me where did I get the pattern from. Well it was from our friend Nettie over in Australia. I will give you her blog link.
I have also a Butterfly stash which I go to from time to time. If you want a Change from Squares and you want to make any SIBOL Butterflies please....do! I'd be very happy to accept them. When I am making the Butterflies for the Blankets I always tend to make three. I put one in the 'Butterfly Stash' and two for the Blankets for the Elderly. This helps me the next time round.
I have also been contacting magazines this week, Crochet Today, Let's Knit, Knit Today Lets Get Crafting 'Crochet and Knit' Simply Knitting, Inside Crochet and also I wrote up to Craftseller about our Crafting for Charity.
I wrote an article about our special Olympics Challenge, hoping that they will feature us. We have received wonderful Squares for this Challenge (I will have to do a count). Please look at the Squares at the top of the SIBOL CHALLENGE blog and see if you can get inspiration and maybe design a Square yourself! You would be most welcome to join us!
So I will leave you with Hiekes' Squares, I hope you get some inspiration from them to have a go yourselves. Thank you so much Hieke!

Thank you for popping into the SIBOL web-site today!
x Sue x
Tuesday, 20 September 2011
More Fabulous squares received :)
Ooh Steph It's our lucky day :) I too have received some fabulous squares, from the lovely Bonsall aka Bennythedip on Rav and Joyce28
Lookie :)
They're absolutely gorgeous!! thank you Ladies xx Sue is going to love seeing these :) xx
Please see this post if you'd like to take part :)
Lookie :)
They're absolutely gorgeous!! thank you Ladies xx Sue is going to love seeing these :) xx
Please see this post if you'd like to take part :)
2 Squares for Blanket 100
I received two lovely squares in the post this morning. A big thank you to 'Theemuts' and 'Joyce28':
We urgently need the last 8 squares for this special blanket - please see post below for details if you'd like to join in. x
We urgently need the last 8 squares for this special blanket - please see post below for details if you'd like to join in. x
Monday, 19 September 2011
Four Ta - Dahs!! Squares from the UK.
Good Afternoon Everyone!
Well it's been quite an exciting day here at HQ It felt like that Christmas Day feeling all over again! I went to my porch this morning and there on the floor I found this.
A large parcel for Squares I thought to myself. I thought maybe someone has donated 'SIBOL' some yarn. I had a feel and a prod....Then started opening it...... To my amazement I saw a Blanket, I could not believe my eyes. It was not just one Blanket, there was a 2nd and a 3rd and a 4th! and two Squares! Tears literally came to my eyes this morning. Then I found a card it was from Chalky's World.
If you click on it you will be able to read it better.
Linda at Chalky's World had collected Squares from Ladies at the MSE thread. Now if you don't know this thread it is well worth a visit. The Ladies are just a wonderful bunch, they have very regularly donated Squares to SIBOL for various Challenges and not only do they Crochet and Knit for me, they do it for other Charitites such as Loving Hands. They work very hard all year round. Linda has put their Squares together just so beautifully I cannot thank her enough, I was just so tearful this morning. I'm amazed to be honest because it was only the other day that I was reading her blog and she was showing all the beautiful things that she had made for Charities little did I know that the Blankets were coming our way! Secret Chalky!
The kindness shown to me by Linda and the Ladies at MSE is just so lovely. The Squares and Blankets are all so superb! Thank you all so much.
I went out into the Garden to take some photographs this morning, I couldn't wait to share them with you.
So we have four Ta - Dah's! I know that takes us up to 94 now. Golly 6 more. You know each one of our Sunshine Blankets is 'unique'. This is one of my Husbands favourite words on finishing a Blanket. He always says there is not one that is the same. 'Each one is unique!'. Our Elderly folk are going to have a lot of pretty Blankets over their knees this Winter don't you think? We certainly will be brightening up some Nursing Homes. I can't wait to deliver them in October/November.
Now let's have a look at these MSE Blankets.
I'm sure you will agree these Blankets are just the prettiest things. They even came with Crocheted chains to wrap them up and one of them SIBOL 91 even had two Butterflies with it. I have to say I have a 'Butterfly Stash' as well as 'Square Stash' so I found some Butterflies already made to help me. I just couldn't wait to load these photos up.
Today we will have four Ta - Dah's in our Slide Show. Sit back Linda and the Ladies on MSE and have a look at your Squares. Can you spot your own?
I have been doing SIBOL work all day today. Not only did I have Blankets delivered but I also had such lovely Squares. They are from Carol in the UK. Carol is a new 'SIBOLETTE' welcome to our Group! I do hope you enjoyed making the Squares for SIBOL. It's a really lovely set of Squares and I have been outside to take some photos for you. I was also telling Carol how pretty her Granny Squares looked, they have wonderful colour combinations. .

Created with flickr slideshow.
I do hope you enjoyed your Slide Show Carol, thank you for sending the Squares.
Tonight I hope to continue with our Cupcake Blanket, so I'll keep you posted on that one.
Thanks to the Ladies over on RAV for keeping a couple of Challenges going for me. If you are interested in
helping please pop over to RAV our SIBOL Group. The link is over on the right hand side of this blog. I can't get signed in at the moment.
Have a lovely evening everyone!
Thanks for visiting!
x Sue x
Well it's been quite an exciting day here at HQ It felt like that Christmas Day feeling all over again! I went to my porch this morning and there on the floor I found this.
A large parcel for Squares I thought to myself. I thought maybe someone has donated 'SIBOL' some yarn. I had a feel and a prod....Then started opening it...... To my amazement I saw a Blanket, I could not believe my eyes. It was not just one Blanket, there was a 2nd and a 3rd and a 4th! and two Squares! Tears literally came to my eyes this morning. Then I found a card it was from Chalky's World.
If you click on it you will be able to read it better.
Linda at Chalky's World had collected Squares from Ladies at the MSE thread. Now if you don't know this thread it is well worth a visit. The Ladies are just a wonderful bunch, they have very regularly donated Squares to SIBOL for various Challenges and not only do they Crochet and Knit for me, they do it for other Charitites such as Loving Hands. They work very hard all year round. Linda has put their Squares together just so beautifully I cannot thank her enough, I was just so tearful this morning. I'm amazed to be honest because it was only the other day that I was reading her blog and she was showing all the beautiful things that she had made for Charities little did I know that the Blankets were coming our way! Secret Chalky!
The kindness shown to me by Linda and the Ladies at MSE is just so lovely. The Squares and Blankets are all so superb! Thank you all so much.
I went out into the Garden to take some photographs this morning, I couldn't wait to share them with you.
So we have four Ta - Dah's! I know that takes us up to 94 now. Golly 6 more. You know each one of our Sunshine Blankets is 'unique'. This is one of my Husbands favourite words on finishing a Blanket. He always says there is not one that is the same. 'Each one is unique!'. Our Elderly folk are going to have a lot of pretty Blankets over their knees this Winter don't you think? We certainly will be brightening up some Nursing Homes. I can't wait to deliver them in October/November.
Now let's have a look at these MSE Blankets.
I'm sure you will agree these Blankets are just the prettiest things. They even came with Crocheted chains to wrap them up and one of them SIBOL 91 even had two Butterflies with it. I have to say I have a 'Butterfly Stash' as well as 'Square Stash' so I found some Butterflies already made to help me. I just couldn't wait to load these photos up.
Today we will have four Ta - Dah's in our Slide Show. Sit back Linda and the Ladies on MSE and have a look at your Squares. Can you spot your own?
I have been doing SIBOL work all day today. Not only did I have Blankets delivered but I also had such lovely Squares. They are from Carol in the UK. Carol is a new 'SIBOLETTE' welcome to our Group! I do hope you enjoyed making the Squares for SIBOL. It's a really lovely set of Squares and I have been outside to take some photos for you. I was also telling Carol how pretty her Granny Squares looked, they have wonderful colour combinations. .

I do hope you enjoyed your Slide Show Carol, thank you for sending the Squares.
Tonight I hope to continue with our Cupcake Blanket, so I'll keep you posted on that one.
Thanks to the Ladies over on RAV for keeping a couple of Challenges going for me. If you are interested in
helping please pop over to RAV our SIBOL Group. The link is over on the right hand side of this blog. I can't get signed in at the moment.
Have a lovely evening everyone!
Thanks for visiting!
x Sue x
Sunday, 18 September 2011
100th Blanket - Squares coming in.
Hello ladies. Squares have started to come in for the 100th blanket. Just to remind you of the design we are making, here is a picture:
We still have these squares that need making ladies, so please contact either myself on Ravelry (craftymizz) or Sue if you would like to take part:
Remember that the colours need to be as requested in the photo and must be 6 inches.
Here are the squares received so far with thanks to Mandachallenges, Sticksusi, RainbowRibbon, Lallyloulou and JoannaDonaldson:
We still have these squares that need making ladies, so please contact either myself on Ravelry (craftymizz) or Sue if you would like to take part:
3 squares needed
2 squares needed
3 squares needed
Remember that the colours need to be as requested in the photo and must be 6 inches.
Here are the squares received so far with thanks to Mandachallenges, Sticksusi, RainbowRibbon, Lallyloulou and JoannaDonaldson:
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