Well first of all I really want to thank everyone for the kind comments on 'The Citrus Blanket of Love'. I'm glad you like it. I just want to say I couldn't do these Blankets without the help of everyone. I've been so overwhelmed at the amount of Squares I have received today, I just can't thank you enough.
At 8.15am I went to the Front door to see my Daughter off to work and there on the carpet was a parcel, quite a big parcel at that. I first of all thought it was more 'cleaning liquid' from the Shopping Channel Mr. Twin seems to be forever buying! But no, it was from Linda in West Palm Beach, Florida. She had sent me 44 Squares and it really took me by surprise! I was just so overjoyed and utterly amazed that Linda had taken the time and trouble to make me so many Squares! I would like to say 'Thank you once again Linda for the parcel! :) It was nice also to read about your dear 'Posy!'. 'Posy' will sit on Linda's lap while she is reading our blog and enjoy her 'puppy rubs!'. How Sweet! Hello Posy! :)
I hope everyone enjoys looking at Linda's large amount of Squares, so unexpected, thank you. They actually took up all the space on my Sofa today.

So I was busy loading Lindas' photos on to Flickr then suddenly Lunchtime was here. A knock to the front door and it was the Lunchtime Postie. He needed a signature. Two more packages one from Helen 'Lady Helsie' and the other from Marg ' Sunshine? Paradise? Both of these Friends live in Australia.
I have been quite worried about Helens' Squares they have seemed so late arriving. I actually thought they had got lost, but no they finally arrived safely today. 'Reflections of Flowers on a Lake ' Elizabeth Cat described Helens' Squares today! Such pretty colours. Not Crocheted this time, they were Knitted, but that doesn't matter at all. It will be a pleasure to put them into the Blankets.

Marg lives in Australia too, I just can't believe these Squares come from so far away! Brilliant. I hope you will check out 'Sunshine? Paradise? Marg does some lovely Quilting over there and it has been lovely to have a look at her work. From a photograph she had put on her blog it looked as though she was having just a wee bit of trouble with her cat who decided to walk all over the material on the floor! She sent me some lovely Blue and White Squares which will be fantastic for the blue and white challenge. Thank you Marg! Marg is on Flickr M@rg21 and the Squares were from '200 Crochet Blocks'. Thanks for letting us know.

So thank you to those three Friends today, you certainly made my day!
Thanks to everyone too who continues to read 'SIBOL' every day which is amazing. Quite a few Friends have told me they read us every day and I'm really pleased that you find it interesting enough.
If anyone thinks they have anything to offer on 'SIBOL' please email me. 'SIBOL' is 'team blogging' and if you would like to write a post you will be able to do this by invitation only. So please email me sueatpigsty@talktalk.net and I will send an invitation out to you. My pleasure.
I'll leave you with the updated Slide Show. I have to say I have had to do another one because I am terribly worried that the Slide Show is getting too full now with photos. So I've started another one. Please look at the earlier posts too. The one yesterday was really interesting. A vintage rose afghan which has inspired us to make Flower Squares for one of our next themes if anyone is interested.
Wow, you sure are keeping the postman busy! My squares should hopefully be arriving any day now. I love all the new ones you got, especially the blue and white ones, they are absolutely beautiful!
ReplyDeleteI'll look forward to that SAndy. They are lovely. Its taken me a while to get them photographed and loaded but I just love doing it for you all to see! Hugs Suex
ReplyDeleteHurray ....Hurrayyyyyy!!!!! Good ...More squares for Mrs. Twins .....I'm so happy .
ReplyDeleteSue, this is fantastic. The squares you received are beautiful.
ReplyDeleteI love Linda's squares with the rainbow centre.
As far as I can see...the knitted squares from Helsie are very soft and cuddly, they are lovely.
I recognize the blue and white squares from Marg. I've made them too (babyblanket). Beautiful squares!